Multiplication Strategies for 3rd Grade

Hands down....multiplication is one of the most challenging things to teach in third grade. Amy and I have worked extremely hard to find ways to make multiplication challenging, engaging, rigorous...but most importantly FUN! If kids are having fun, we have found that the knowledge actually sticks! 

Each lesson is strategically broken down into three sections. This helps keep our math block consistent, but the breakdown is also tied to research based practices. We begin with a quick 10-15 mini-lesson, followed by independent/guided practice, and concluding with interactive notebooks to demonstrate mastery of the skill covered. Our lessons are also tightly focused to ensure that we are breaking content down so that it builds a strong foundation for our learners. 

Lesson plans are included for each day of instruction: 
Here is what will be covered in 3rd Grade Unit 3: 

Week One is all about introducing multiplication to your students.  They will learn strategies such as repeated addition, making arrays, forming equal groups, and more!
Week two is all about multiplication facts and strategies. Get ready to take your kiddos to a carnival filled with tons of repetition and multiplication practice! 
As they transition on to week three, the students will be working on mastering those properties of multiplication to build fluency and understanding. 
Finally in week four, they will put all new skills to use as they learn to attack those tricky word problems using our P.S.A. strategy! 
We have included everything you could possible need to completely implement this unit into your classroom. This unit is directly correlated to all Common Core and TEKS standards. Here is a look at a few of the other components of the unit: 

You can snag your copy of this unit HERE or by clicking the picture below! 
Happy Teaching!