Rewind…Last summer, I shared a reading incentive program that I like to call “Oh Snap!” If you would like to check out the original post with a detailed description, you can do just that right HERE! If not, you will get the 411 if you keep reading. AND…If you have already purchased this unit…scroll below for updates!
Raise your hand if you will do just about AN.Y.THING to get those kiddos of yours reading! Be careful what you wish for…

{At the end of last year, I received 14 pies in my face! Let’s just say I am still having a difficult time being around whipped cream! This is one reward that I used as part of my Oh Snap Incentive Program!}
Last year, I implemented a new reading incentive program called “Oh SNAP!” The students worked hard to earn points for a variety of things that were centered around all things reading! Each nine weeks, we had a reading celebration where the students redeemed their points for some fabulous prizes…such as a pie…in MY face! Anything in the name of reading…right? Not only was this method motivational for the kids, it was also super easy to track! Love pressing that easy button!
Last summer, after seeing all of the ideas swirling around Pinterest, I knew that I wanted to track points in a way that directly involved the students! I saw this idea and couldn’t resist! (I can’t remember where the original idea came from, so if you were the brilliant mind behind the ribbons, let me know!) As the students would complete reading logs, earn A.R. points, complete reading responses, etc., they would earn Oh Snap Points.

The students would take their points into the hallway and clip them onto their ribbon. They love watching their points grow! It definitely left them wanting more!

At the end of a 9 week period, the kids would calculate their totals and redeem their points. In class, I would hold a reading celebration and reward students with certificates for their achievements. Then, the following week, we would have scheduled “events” and the students who had earned enough points would be able to receive the reward or participate in the activity. I would have to say our two favorites were pajama day and of course…the pie!

If you are looking for a way to encourage your students to become enthusiastic readers, you can check this unit out on TPT. Oh Snap includes 159 pages of resources to get your kids excited about reading and is perfect for any grade level. Here is a look:

Updates: More Black and White Options!!!! {I heard a few PTLs!} and this can be purchased as a PDF file or a customizable PowerPoint document so that you can personalize rewards, student tags, points/rewards lists and more!
You can check them both out on TPT right now!

{Note: if you have already purchased this unit, you can go to TPT and download the updated version. This version will be customizable!}
I will definitely be using this again this year and can’t wait to watch my students become effective and enthusiastic readers!
Also…don’t forget…the sale was extended until tonight at 11:59! Check out some of my seasonal units in the post below!
I have been in my classroom this evening and I am loving the progress! Here is a little picture until the big reveal! ;)

Hope you are having a great week!