Holy Blog Break!

Oh my goodness y'all. My poor little neglected blog is in some serious need of a little TLC. All I can say is...life happened. Ha! I have been super busy these past few weeks with so many different things. I will be back to tell you more about what I have been up to tomorrow. Plus, I will share my little spin on the hamburger paragraph that I used in one of my writing lessons. 

This was such a fun lesson and the kiddos ate it all up...literally! ;) 

But for now, here is the winner of my Silhouette Portrait giveaway. 

I'll be back tomorrow. Hope y'all are having a great start to your week! Just think...you're  almost half way there! ;) 



  1. I can't wait to hear about the hamburger paragraph!!!!


  2. Congrats to Ashley! What a great prize!

  3. Muy lindo trabajo.
    Acabo de hacerme tu seguidora y me quedo por aquĆ­. Si te viene de gusto te pasas por mi blog. Un abrazo fuerte.
