27 April 2013

Dig into Learning {A Summer Review}

I have heard a little rumor that many of you are now in the "teens" until school is over! Seriously? #jealous...I just checked my calendar {and counted twice} and we have 30 days left. When I begin to think about the 30 days ahead, I realize just how much I have to do.  Yikes! 

As much as I love end of year festivities and celebrations, they always sneak up on me at a pace that I am not prepared for...ever! If I showed you my calendar right now, you might have a panic attack and/or look at it and laugh because your calendar looks the EXACT. Same. Way! 

SO...there is no time better than the present to get my ducks in a row! Since I have looped with my kids for three years, there are not many tricks that I can pull from my hat. However, I do get the privilege of having a few "repeaters"...one of which is the way that I send the kiddos home completely prepared for summer break! We will be working on this little gems after state testing! 

I always like to send my students home prepared to at least maintain what they’ve worked so hard to learn through the year. This way, there is no room for excuses and maybe I don’t have to dream of the word…dare I say it…regression. Double yikes! I know it’s summertime and they need to have oh so much fun, (and so does their teacher) but 15-20 minutes of review can’t rain on their parade too much! Right? Right!

I have used this summertime review method for several years and have seen excellent results. I love when my kiddos go into the new year filled with confidence and ready to tackle their new skills. 
Here is how it works. I buy each student a sand bucket for their end of the year gift and we spend a day preparing games and materials to stuff it with for the summer months! The student’s participation in the preparation is critical because it gives them ownership and they are super excited to use their games that they’ve worked so hard to create.

Then, I attach our tag and a little parent letter…and there you have it! Off they go! What better way to spend a day than getting your kiddos all prepped and ready for the summer? Seriously...after they have worked so hard, they can hardly wait to get their hands on their games. 

There are many different activities included in this 137 page pack, so pick and choose what you would like for your kiddos to focus on over the break! You can also add your own little goodies to the mix!

If you need to save some much needed time, you can check this pack out at my TPT store.

Now, back to the beginning...if you only have a few days left...enjoy them! If you are like me with 30+ left...get ready for a crazy ride...hang on tight...and enjoy your sweet kiddos for the remainder of the year! 


  1. What an AWESOME idea!!! I have a small class this year, so I think I can do this with my kids. Thanks for sharing!!
    Connie Anderson:)

  2. You.....are.......amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh.my.word! This is a super-duper-amazingly-great thing to do!!! Love the idea that they are preparing it for themselves. One question: where do you get your buckets??

    For the Love of First Grade

  4. Wow! This is an amazing idea in so many ways! Thanks so much for the work put into this unit.

  5. Hope, I love this idea! Such a fantastic way to send off our friends. Thank you for your hard work. :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  6. I have 39 days! Yes, that's right. I'm definitely thinking about end of the year send offs, though. Such a cute idea! I looped with my students from 2nd to 3rd for almost 10 years. I loved it! Looping is wonderful. ~ Lisa

  7. I am diggin' this idea! Get it? Ha! Ahh! We are in the teens on the countdown to summer so I better get it together! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This is so wonderful! I looped with my firsties into second this year and it was a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!! :)


  9. Great idea! Is the template for the Pledge to Read book included in this packet? Thanks ....
