26 November 2012

Holiday Extravaganza...Coming Soon!

I know that most of you are out shopping, but I am super excited about the holidays...SUPER excited! We are finishing up our Native American studies this week in our social studies unit, and next week...it becomes all things Christmas! My heart sings at the thought! Ha!

I have had to dig deep...extra, extra deep to create new activities to bring the holidays into our classroom this year. For my newbies here at Shenanigans, this is my third year with my little lovelies! That means that this is year three of holiday celebrations, and I am pretty sure that we did 1,000 projects in first grade and at least 500 in second...so of course, this year has to be brand new! I will be sharing three new units {almost complete} with you by this weekend! Hopefully these will spread a little joy into your classroom this year! 

Here is a sneak peek at a few of my holiday plans! 

This year, we will be writing to Santa...as always! {Yes...even the non-believers!} However, this letter will be a little different. Some may feel that Santa needs a little makeover. 

During our science unit about animal adaptations, we will be creating these little cuties as we study animals adapting and surviving in the North Pole! This unit will also have lots of Polar Express goodies! 

And finally, we will get into all things gingerbread! I am super excited about this new unit to add to my holiday goodies! 

Be on the lookout for these new holiday units this weekend! I know that you will love them as much as I do! 

Now...go and shop 'til you drop! You can check out some of my other holiday units {HERE} or check out my TPT shop by clicking on the image below! 

Hope your first Monday back wasn't too painful! :) 


  1. Hi Hope
    I hope your cyber monday is going very well. Gotta love tpt!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Ok, Beard or Babyface is AWESOME!!! See what happens when you have to dig deep?!

    Love it!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. Oh those units look great! I love the gingerbread and nonfiction polar express units! I can't wait to pick those two up!

  4. Hope, I love your blog and all your activities! I use a ton of them in my classroom and my 2nd grade kiddos LOVE them! I was wondering how do you outline your text so it kinda looks highlighted? for example the word North Pole or Beard! I love that! It's so cool! Thanks so much for all your sharing!! :)
