28 August 2012

Heroic Readers {Establishing Expectations in Reader’s Workshop}

Ok…seriously y’all…if I have to repeat the same procedures one more time…I may die! Ha! My husband may kinda like the fact that I have zero voice left when I get home from school each night! I am telling you…even with the same kiddos…beginning of the year routines stink! I mean most eight year olds do not typically enjoy setting up notebooks and folders!

Sooooo…I am really trying to make this as fun as possible! {Is that possible?} :) We began our Reader’s Workshop introduction this week, and I really wanted the students to buy into the whole real reading vs. fake reading concept! Since they are so into superheroes lately, I thought a heroic readers theme would do the trick!

I made my acting debut and demonstrated fake readers at their best! The kids thought it was hysterical and my award winning acting skills really caught their attention. Ha! Then, we created a chart comparing real reading and fake reading…on a super hero cape, of course!


This will hang front and center in our library to remind students of heroic reading behaviors!

After we discussed these behaviors as a class, the students created their very own super hero cape describing what they need to do to show that they are a heroic reader! You would have thought that I gave them a million bucks!   I didn’t realize that third graders would be so excited about a cape! I so love the fact that even though they are growing up…they are always ready for some fun!

Slide1 Slide2 Slide3

I have promised the students that they can wear their capes on the first day of Reader’s Workshop!

If you would like the super reader graphic, you can download a copy below!


I also posted a freebie on Saturday for our beginning of the year “I Am” poems. Here are the finished poems…

Slide4   Slide5

Slide6   Slide7

Well, I am off to rest this voice of mine and get ready for another crazy busy day tomorrow! Happy {almost} Wednesday, sweet friends!


  1. I love your take on real vs fake reading. You should stop by my blog and download my NO FAKE READING ZONE sign. It would go perfect with your lesson!!

  2. Love your capes. I bet they were so excited.

  3. You capes are awesome! That will be great for one of my workshop lessons next week. Also, totally love your I Am poems and pics! I might have to borrow that idea, too! Thanks for sharing :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  4. Very original cape idea! I will definitely have to borrow the idea since my theme this year is also super heroes.
    :0) Melissa
    More Time 2 Teach

  5. Like your fake and real reading chart - especially stalling! What?? That happens in other classrooms????
    Fun idea of the capes.

  6. We made the capes Friday and the kids were so engaged. What a great lesson and concrete way for them to remember. Can't wait to ask them if they are being a super hero reader next week. Thanks for the idea!!!

  7. I just had to let you know I totally stole this idea and used it in the library today. Only I need to steal the chart idea better for future reference. I just ... I have no walls and no easel ... so I don't do that like I should. Plus what would I do with 6 charts. ;]

  8. I just wanted to let you know that I used your idea this week in class, and we had so much fun. Since we have a super themed classroom I just couldn't resist! Thanks for sharing, and feel free to check it out here: The Second Grade Superkids

