31 May 2012

….and so there were 3

We are down to 3…3 days of school people….left for the whole. entire. year! Tomorrow is our last full day and then we have 2 half days next week! This week has been a blast and the kiddos have definitely been Living the Ice Cream Dream! This unit has been so much fun {actually even better than I had anticipated}. They have worked so hard and haven’t even let on that it is the last week of school. They are simply…awesome!

Yesterday, the kiddos were super excited about our popsicle meltdown to find out once and for all which popsicle melts the fastest! We split up into groups of four, wrote our scientific questions, turned our questions into a hypothesis, and set up our experiment.


I planned this activity towards the end of our day so that we could get all of our jitters out while we were experimenting, but we were running a tad late. We set the popsicles out at 2:10 {We dismiss at 2:30}. I thought it would be PA-LENTY of time. In fact, I was rushing to get the popsicles out of their wrappers because I didn’t want them to begin melting until they were placed into the cups. Welllllllll….it was 2:30 and those darn popsicles still were not melting! No even a drop! AYKM???? It was the craziest thing ever! So, today we had round two! {We began a little earlier today!}



And about 30 minutes later…we finally saw some results! Holy brain freeze! So why is it popsicles are running down their arms within two minutes on the playground???

After the experiment, the little scientists concluded that the darker colors do indeed melt faster than orange {our lighter color}. They completed their chart and graphed the time it took for each popsicle to melt.

Today during writing, we reviewed writing a comparison essay. Ever since I gave the students a little preview of our unit this week, they have been DYING to try the astronaut ice cream. Today was finally the day!


After the taste test, the students completed a Venn Diagram to compare/contrast this new treat to our good ol’ earth ice cream {as they called it}. Then they turned that information into a comparison essay.


We displayed our writing with the cutest astronauts you have ever laid eyes on! LOVE how these dudes turned out!




In other {nonrelated ice cream} news, we also had our featured author autograph session today. The kiddos’ published books came in last week, so today the students autographed their work! They were beyond thrilled to finally be able to take their books home! This was a great way to end the year and get them excited about reading and writing! 



Tomorrow is it! My last full day! We will be busy with our classroom superlatives, a whole lotta cleaning, and a little milkshake tasting!

Happy Thursday!


  1. I have enjoyed following your ice cream unit activities this week. I love your popsicle meltdown. I bet the kids really enjoyed it a lot!!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Who knew 20 minutes wasn't long enough for Popsicles to melt?

    Enjoy your last 3 :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Oh my gosh, those astronauts are adorable! What a fun week your class is having!
    Stories From Second

  4. I would have thought they would be liquid in 5 min! Crazy! :)

    Love the bulletin board w/ the comparison writing. How fun!!! I may have to try that out this year :)

    Every New Beginning

  5. I love the popsicle melting experiment! What a great idea for the last week of school. Room 114 still has two weeks, so I'm looking for extra activities!


    Stories from Room 114

  6. What a fun activity!! I absolutely love the Popsicle experiment idea! I hope you have a great last full day! :o)

  7. Wish I had thought about this when I had to help my kids with science experiments.. Loved your blog!

  8. What a fun unit! I may have to try it out next year :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  9. I love your Livin' the Ice Cream Dream packet! I've put it in my wishlist for the end of next year. Great idea for that last week of school!
    I wanted to thank you Hope for all of your inspiration, ideas and resources! Your blog is one of the first I discovered and you are one of the blogger/sellers that inspired me to start my own! I've been following your store and blog for about a year now and I just love everything you do!
    Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring!
    Around the Kampfire

  10. Love this! can't wait to use it next year! I have some things you may like on my blog. And make sure you follow because I'll be doing a giveaway very soon!

    Kate :)
