14 January 2012

A Spotlight on Patricia Polacco…Author Study

In second grade, we have really been nailing down our narrative elements. Over the past two weeks, we have been thinking deeply about our reading while comparing and contrasting characters, making connections, and responding to texts. To shake things up a little bit, I threw a little author study into the mix.

Last week, we met Patricia Polacco. I have a confession…I have only read a few of her books until last week! I know, I KNOW…that has to be like a reading teacher’s suicide. BUT…OH. MY. WORD. We are lovin’ us some Patricia Polacco in my little room at the end of the hall! Hate that I have missed her all of these years! She does such a beautiful job in all of her stories of really connecting with her readers and making such memorable reading experiences for them. My students are HOOKED and so am I!

Here is a look at a few activities that we were involved in during our author study!

Designing Rechenka’s Eggs

Slide3 Slide2

Our little cardinals after reading Mr. Lincoln’s Way and comparing two awesome characters. {WOW! Such an AMAZING book!}


My personal fave – My Rotten Readheaded Older Brother


These books provided such influential reading experiences for my kiddos. I literally think they clapped and practically gave a “standing o” at the end of every story. In fact, many of them took our books home to read over the weekend. This is such a good study for your kiddos if you feel that your reading time is a little “BLAH!” Seriously…this is one of the best studies that we have done to date! :)

So…here is a big “standing o” for Patricia Polacco!!!!!!

I put all of our activities into a little unit. You can pick it up at my TPT shop for 5 bucks! Here is a look:




Raise your hand if you are lovin’ this Saturday as much as I am!

Me + My Couch = BFF! :)

P.S. Coming on Monday…

Valentine's Day Friendly Letter Unit


  1. Patricia Polacco grew up not far from my town. She quite often writes about her adventures in Michigan. She has visited or schools several times. Have you checked into having her visit your schools? I believe she will write back to your class if you send her a letter. She is great author.

  2. Oh my! I love the redheaded brother! He is TOO CUTE!!
    Love it!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. When I taught third grade, we did a whole unit on Patricia and I loved it! This would have been the perfect addition! :)
    Stories From Second

  4. I love her books. =) Junkyard Wonders is a good one too!

  5. Love Patricia Polacco and My Rotten Redheaded Brother! This unit looks great!

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  6. Loving the red headed brother project!!! So cute!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  7. I love her!! In 3rd grade, I always did her, and wondered how I woulddo it in 2nd grade fashion :)
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  8. Those snow globes have to be the cutest thing I have ever seen! I am SO pinning that!! I love Patricia Polacco. Will have to check that unit out. Looks great!

    1. Didn't see snow globes. Where were they?

  9. We love Patricia! Did she bring her keeping quilt? It was pure magic as she told stories and then brought out the quilt! I am so sad that my new reading series will not have any of her books in it. :( I will be fitting her in anyway between literature connections and our Michigan unit!
