07 January 2012


I am thinking that I would be totally ok with a 3-day week…every week! Are ya with me? Ha! It was a buys but wonderful week back with all of my kids, and I SWEAR they all grew like 5 inches over the break. I couldn’t believe how old they looked on Wednesday morning. {I totally felt like a mother of 16 as I hugged each one and told them they were getting way too big! I think this looping thing is getting to me!} :) Anyways, here are a few of the things that kept us moving this week.

We jumped straight back into graphing. We worked on pictographs and bar graphs using several activities from my little “It’s Snowing…Graphs” unit.



During our writing time, we were busy writing about all of our goals for 2012. I usually have them write a paragraph, but I found this cute little sheet on Pinterest instead. I liked that it had them reflect on the past year and think ahead to 2012. They had some really cute goals and one student even said her favorite thing about 2011 was…drumroll…Mrs.. King {proud teacher moment!} Sweet and SWEET! I told her that I would pay her later! ;)

Slide5                Presentation2

We also did another Christmas writing. Yes…Christmas! AND it was so much fun. Last week, Lesson Plan SOS posted a little writing freebie that had the kiddos writing all about what Santa could possibly be doing with all of his free time. I never…EVER though about continuing on with Santa after the break, but I saw their post and thought that it was way too cute to pass up. The kids were thrilled when I told them what they would be writing about, and they definitely had some super cute ideas about what Santa is doing right this minute. This was a great activity to review writing multiple paragraphs to describe a topic. Then they made a little Santa craftivity to display with their writing.



I have never met a group of kids who love crafting so much! We are truly “meant to be!” Ha!

Before we returned to school, I purchased Amanda’s {One Extra Degree} Character Traits Unit over at TPT. If you don’t have it, you need to get it! Now…not later. :) This week, we worked on using our clues to help us infer character traits. The kiddos loved her unit and were gathering clues about their characters right and left. During my GR groups, they were constantly describing characters! Thanks, Amanda!



The week before break, we were hard at work learning about regions of the United States. This week, I really wanted to get a good review in before we moved on to the second part of the unit. I also wanted my kiddos to have something to help them  review for their test next week. So…flipbooks…yes, please! During this unit, we studied four major regions: Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. I precut symbols that would remind the students of each region, and then they work with partners to record facts about each region on the back. Slide5 Slide1

Here’s how they turned out:

Slide6 Slide2

It was a pretty great week back. However, I will say, this was one exhausted teacher on Friday afternoon. Did anyone else struggle to get back on track? 5:00 a.m. never hurt so much in my life! Hoping it will be a little less painful this week! :)


  1. Ha! I also had a 3 day work week and I was soooo happy it was! I was pooped by Friday afternoon! I woke up at 12 today!!! I need to get back on my sleep schedule! :)

    Your week looked great!

    Sweet Times in First



  2. I just pinned your USA region idea. Love it! Great way to take notes. :)

  3. OMG! Are you going to be posting a region unit! My students and I are also doing a region tour and would love to purchase your unit to go along with the lessons I am currently doing!


  4. Such cute activities!!!!!! Hope you had a great week!
    I wish every week was a 3 day week too!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  5. We had a 4 day week, and boy was I glad! I don't think I would have made it one more day! 3 days would have been much better for me! I was in bed until 11:30 today! Yikes! I never sleep that late!

    Love your ideas...and I love the one from Amanda...I put it in my wishlist for now. :)

    Rest up...5 days next week! LOL

    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  6. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing! Love the regions idea.

  7. Those Santas are adorable!!
    And I know I've harped on it before, but 16???? SERIOUSLY?!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  8. WOW! You guys did soooo much in 3 days! I love every single activity you did!! We were 3 days to and I was whooped today....I stayed in jammies until 3:30....sad I know, but nice:))

    4th Grade Frolics

  9. Those flip books are darling! :)

    I am down to 20 kids now, it's the fewest I've ever had in class and LOVE it!

    Stories From Second
